Wednesday 29 August 2012

First Week Of Lessons

Remember when you started first grade? I don't remember a lot of it, but I do remember being so excited, and scared at the same time. Knowing that I would start somewhere knew, meet new kids, and have a great opportunities made all the fear worth it.

Starting lessons, not classes, at Harlaxton this week made me think back to that. I was excited to see what this school had to offer me, but while being in college that made this experience ten times more intenst. I knew I was going to grow as a person, but after the first day of lessons? I did not think that.
I'm taking 15 credits, which is a step down of what I am used to taking, but with all the traveling that we all plan on doing, 15 credits is a big deal. Most people here at Harlaxton take 12 credits, but I know that I can do it! A required class here is British Studies, it is a six credit class. It takes up a lot of my time, it's interesting, but I'm not a huge history fan. I know I can do it, but I am way more interested in my other classes.

I am taking a positive psychology class, an educationally multicultural class, and a sociology class that deals with the modern world projects. I'm really excited because all of these classes will help me with being an art therapist, so at least all of these classes will directly help me, and taking them in a forgin land makes it have a bigger impact. I looked through all the homework, and a lot of it (minus british studies) looks very fun!

I used to live at EIU's Booth Library, but I have fallen in love with the conservatory. It's so pretty, but it is cold, which I am not a fan of cold.

England is great, but there are weird differences. For example, they don't have ice...ANYWHERE. I love ice, I love putting ice in my drinks, and I love eating ice. They have no ice. It's not cool. They also don't tip here, which is just awkward as being an American and living in a cultural where you are looked down on if you don't tip.

I go to London this weekend, and I cannot wait. I feel super nerdy because I can't wait to do sight-seeing, but most people going are excited to drink. My friend Kelsie said she is ready to do sight-seeing with me, so that's exciting! I understand that everyone can drink here legally, but come one! THERE IS ART AND BEAUTY EVERYWHERE. Go drink at home. Whatever, maybe I'm just weird.

It's Wednesday night, I'm done with homework, I pack for London and leave tomorrow, and tonight I'm just hanging out in the bristo having a few beers and playing apples to apples with everyone. The bonding time is great. It's awesome because we are all from different places, but we are all oin this cultural shock together. My friend Alex walked down into the bristo and said, "I could hear your Chicago accent all the way up stairs!" I'm starting to love that everyone can tell I'm from Chicago, it makes me feel like home is everywhere with me.

Living in the manor means I never leave. I laughed with my friend, "My bed is here, my classes are here, the food is here, and the liquor is here! What else could I need!?" I should probably do laundry soon, but I probably wont. I hear they have a bucket of condoms in the laundry room...I thought that was weird, but whatever. Haha.

Every time I walk around my manor, I get happy. This place is home. My teachers care so much too. I have one class with three students, INCLUDING ME! Another class has seven students, and then I have a class with 20! I'm trying to remember everything I have to say, but everyone around me is getting drunk and being loud. That is something that is annoying. A lot of students are used to drinking, so they are very loud and freshman like. Well for now this is all I can remember, I will post again after I get home for London!


British boys, clubs.

Kelsie. Bristo.

Skypying my baby Donald Duck :)

Boys playing pool

My friends ET tattoo, that I LOVE!

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