Tuesday 9 October 2012

Nottingham, London, York, & Oxford!

 Clearly, I’ve had a VERY BUSY week. My friend Christina Pender was able to visit me at Harlaxton! Which is amazing since my family does not love me enough to come and visit – I joke, but really… haha :)

Christina got here on the 28th of September and that Friday we just hung around the manor and I showed her Grantham town. We HAD to go out that night, because well….she could legally drink? Yeah, lets go with that. Ha but still, it was a good time and my friends from the manor did a great job showing her what it is like out here. Saturday came sooner that I thought, but we literally rolled out of bed and made our way to Nottingham! Nottingham is the home of Robinhood, and a great place to go shopping! I had never been to Nottingham, but some of my friends have so I thought it would be a good time. It really was a lot of fun to just walk around and talk. Nottingham was a fun time, but not a lot to blog about. I went shopping. Got fuzzy warm socks and did nothing educational. Overall, it was great!

Although Christina was able to take a week off of school, I was not. However, I was able to take a day off of class and on Tuesday we went to London. I love London. I have only been there once before for a long weekend, but I could never get sick of London. We walked around and did all of the “touristy” things, which was awesome since I had already been there before, it was easy to walk around and show her the town. We sat by Big Ben for awhile and just talked, which was my favorite part. I love Big Ben. I loved Big Ben before I got here, but now that I am here, I never want to leave it. But anyways, London was a great time. We went to a pub for lunch that I had been at before, and the owner remember me! I was so excited that he remembered me after meeting me once and not seeing me for a month! After a busy day in London we headed to the train and we went to a bookstore and I bought a book to read on the train home!

Wednesday morning was very hard to get out of bed to go to breakfast and to make it to British Studies. Christina went to the Lecture and to my seminar. She said it “wasn’t too bad, I liked it”. Ughhh… hunny you went to ONE class with a good teacher who was talking haha. I like British studies, but it is a lot of work and I am not a fan of history. Wednesday night was Christina’s last night AND it was poetry night in the Bistro…needless to say, things got weird. It was a really fun night and if I didn’t have class at 8:30 the next morning, it would have been even better! But the Bistro was a good time. Some people sang, and some read poems and some even read ones that they wrote. One group even did a funny fact, but overall it was a great time.  Thursday happened; I said good-bye to Christina, and then my teacher in my 8:30 made fun of me for looking like the cat dragged me in haha.

On to the educationally things! Oxford and York!
Friday and Saturday where spent in those two cities and it was a good time. I walked around with friends and saw Roman architecute, which the nerd inside me thinks that is AWESOME!!! We studied it in British Studies and then got to go out and see it! I love that about my school. We learn something and then we go out and see it in the world. How awesome is that? I love my school. But when I was in York I was able to go to an art gallery. I love going to art places all over the world, it’s great to see what art tehy have to show. I also went to a train museum, which is for five year-olds…you could say I fit in right there!

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